Arabella SPOL .s r. o
is a company located in the CZECH Republic specialized in the field of Real Estate Development. Two major categories lie under Arabella:

1- Land Development: Arabella simply acquire raw land (real property with no improvements or infrastructure) and improve it with utility connections, roads, earth grading, covenants, and entitlements.

2- Building Development: Arabella acquires buildings and handles its redevelopment property.

Contacts: 222322527 / 538322222
Fax: 222329058

Ready Batch Concrete Company
is a ready mix concrete plant located in Abu Dhabi since 1990. It has been maintaining a high level of quality control standards in its production. It fulfills the United Arab of Emirates market and demand part of the gulf region also provides ready mix concrete to all kind of contract projects such as: bridges, buildings and infrastructures.

Contacts: +971 2 5511665
Fax: +971 2 5511667

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